ADVANCE REVIEW: Ramlock Investigates # 1
G’Day Comic Fans, This is Dodgy86 back into the mixing bringing ewe another comic review,
G’Day Comic Fans, This is Dodgy86 back into the mixing bringing ewe another comic review,
G’Day Explorers! Dodgy86 is in the mix, on location to bring you Where Monsters Dwell
G’Day Web-Heads! This is Dodgy86 back in the mix bring you a sticky review of
G’Day Music Lovers, This is your DJ, Dodgy86 back into the mix bringing you This
G’Day Guys, This is Dodgy86 back in the mix, brining you another review. Today I
G’day Space Cadets, This is Dodgy86 back into the mix, bringing you another comic review
G’Day Heroes! This is your Boy from Oz, Dodgy86 is back in the mix bringing
G’Day Earthlings, Dodgy86 is in the mix, brining you a another review of Martian Manhunter
G’day Turtle Fans! This is Dodgy86 back in the fix bringing you a Teenage Mutant
G’day Patriots! This is Dodgy86 back in the mix, with another comic review of Homeland
G’Day Regular Fans, This is Dodgy86 back in the mix, bringing you a review on
G’Day Bat-Fans, This is Dodgy86 in the mix, bringing another review of Detective Comics #43
G’Day Bat-Fans, This is Dodgy86 in the mix, bringing you another comic review.. today I
G’Day Regular Fans! This is Dodgy86 in the mix, bringing you Regular Show # 26
G’Day Heroes, This is Dodgy86 back in the mix bring you another comic review, today
G’Day Speedsters! This is Dodgy86 in the mix, zooming to another comic review for The
G’Day guys! Vamplets # 5 by Gayle Middleton & David Dwonch, with art by Amanda
G’Day True Beleivers! This is Dodgy86 back into the mix, bringing you another Marvel-lous comic
G’Day All! This is Dodgy86 in the mix, today I bring you Skullboy Volume 1
STORY BYÂ Brian Michael Bendis ART BYÂ Valerio Schiti G’Day Fellow Mutants!! This is Dodgy86 back in