REVIEW: What If Miles Morales #4
With What If Miles Morales #4, writer Yehudi Mercado and artist Luigi Zagaria try to
With What If Miles Morales #4, writer Yehudi Mercado and artist Luigi Zagaria try to
DC had an excellent Fortnite crossover series so now it’s time for the same writing
With Star Wars #24 Charles Soule gives us an excellent character study of Leia. Leia
Now this is where the fun begins. Darth Vader has found a new allly in
The fun of the modern DC Multiverse books are two fold. We get to see
A comic book starring Han Solo and Chewbacca should be joyful and full of energy
Nick Roche is a creative genius and Transformers Last Bot Standing shows exactly why. This
Given the success of the complex, interesting Moon Knight streaming show it’s a treat having
Giant Size X-Men Thunderbird brings back one of the least developed but most famous X-Men
Riccardo Federici is one of the greatest artists in comics. Federici knows how to make
Star Wars Crimson Reign has evolved into a fascinating anthology series. Writer Charles Soule has
Wolverine is the most interesting book on the stands. Benjamin Percy understands characterization and tone
This Flash run is a legend in the making. A great book in which every
Darth Vader #22 is a battle of wills between two very different agents of order.
Venom #7 contains incredibly dynamic, action packed scenes with art that flies off the page.
Star Wars #22 really delivers on the promise of Crimson Dawn. Charles Soule has been
The new Moon Knight show is exactly the kind of production with the potential to
Fantastic Four 42 is a huge feast that spends a bit too much time on
X-Men Unlimited Latitude #1 is a great comic and interesting story. It is a fun
Jock has a simplicity that belies an incredible level of skill and Batman One Dark