Review: Black Cat Annual #1
When the Peter MJ relationship was given new life in Amazing Spider-Man, under the watchful
When the Peter MJ relationship was given new life in Amazing Spider-Man, under the watchful
A dozen Russian mobsters lie dead at the Punisher’s feet and he wasn’t the one
In the earliest issues of GHOSTED IN LA (Boom! Box), the story at times felt like
Hard to believe, but we are 9 months from the release of the Morbius Movie
What is your Paradise? It might be the kind of thing that you book a
STORY This comic starts with and opening blurb in the credits to get us up
STORY For this month’s retro review I’m sticking with the 70s and another childhood favorite
G“Day Crusaders, This is Dodgy in the mix bringing you a web-comic titled Roll Initiative
The Marvel Action (MA) series of titles published through IDW is designed for younger fans
I don’t know why I keep doing this to myself. This is a mini-series of
I think this book is a disgrace and let me tell you why. I think
Two books into the four issue “was it a murder mystery” mini series sees pieces
Cold War Germany, check. Communist Aparatchiks, Stasi and morally bankrupt scientists, check. Paranormal occurrences, an
Subtlety advertised as “The Next Generation”, this book is set well after events seen in
In the last issue of Pandemica #1, a communicable disease pandemic had left 12,000 dead
The YA world of fantasy and graphic novels might not be ready for Daniel Barnes
Since Star Trek first arrived in the 60’s it has managed to capture the imaginations
In the last issue of the Mall #2, The world has ended, and the local
If there weren’t enough red haired assassins throughout the myriad of comic book universes, Valiant
DEAD IS THE NEW RED! In order to finally destroy Spider-Man once and for all