Review: Naomi #3
If an embattled Superman rips up a couple of neighborhood streets in small town USA
If an embattled Superman rips up a couple of neighborhood streets in small town USA
This issue kicks off the big Teen Titans/Deathstroke crossover, “The Terminus Agenda” Deathstroke has played
The most disappointing thing about JesusFreak in my opinion is the fact that I will
In Captain Marvel #3: “RE-ENTRY”, SHE-HULK joins CAPTAIN MARVEL in her war on Roosevelt Island
It’s time for yet another confession from the litany of confessions I have yet to
The “Knightmares”“ continue as Batman chases a new foe in an impossible race. Over rooftops,
STORY Age of X-Man (AOX) has introduced us to a world where something has fundamentally
STORY I’m reviewing this issues with only cursory knowledge of the current storyline so I
Although Wonder Woman has been on my pull-list for several years now and the title
Who says you can“t go home again? With Goon #1 Eric Powell is set to
I am unfamiliar with the Valiant universe. A true neophyte, I came into this book
Out in the reaches of space, Supergirl’s quest continues to get a little side tracked,
One of the best aspects of comics is how as a medium it can take
Livewire, the ongoing series from Valiant featuring Amanda McKee as the titular character, generates electric
The world of Sunstone is revisited later this month as Stjepan Sejic expands on his
Once again the vampires and zombies of LA are on the rise. It’s a good
IDW has had a lot of success with their Transformer titles both critically and with
Ӣ Written by Dan Abnett and Bruno Redondo, art by Christian Duce, colors by Marcelo
The Empty Man disease is going viral in more ways than one, as a deadly
Following the conclusion of their last series, comic-dom’s second best human and stuffed cat, (the