REVIEW: Black Panther Annual #1
In case some folks have been unplugged from the world or hiding out in your
In case some folks have been unplugged from the world or hiding out in your
And the winner for the category of “Comic Book Title Without a Vowel”, goes to…..
Reading Ice Cream Man #2, written by W. Maxwell Prince with art by Martin Morazzo,
The Brave and the Bold comic was one of my favourite books way back when
I have been super critical of this book of late, probably due to a couple
Before the final issue of what seems like the longest mini-series in DC history since
Image Comics“ Kill or be Killed #16 opens with the series’ protagonist, Dylan, in a
Once in a while, lightening strikes and everything changes. When the Dark Knight Returns hit
Bloodshot Salvation #6 is promoted as an opportune time to get onboard with the ongoing
So, after all the shenanigans are over in Phoenix Resurrection, we are left with……..da da
This may be starting to sound like a comic book reviewers“ cliché, but Green Lanterns
Swamp Thing is one of those character’s whose reputation, at times, actually exceeds his actual
Not too long ago, the last run of Dejah Thoris was cut short, just as
Think James Bond crossed with Deadpool and you may be some way into understanding how
Valiant Entertainment“s Eternity “Book Four”“ ”“ the conclusion to the miniseries ”“ is easily the
“Is this series still going on?”, are my initial thoughts as I look through this
Welcome to a new world, where heroes are sanitized for the masses, repackaged to cater
In the world of Black Mask Studio“s “Black”“ only Black people have superhuman abilities. It“s
As a series, Grimm Tales of Terror, has probably been one of the more consistent books from
The anxiously awaited Legion series is upon us. And for fans of Marvel“s X-world, that