Review: Witchblade #1
So what happens when that which used to bring joy, suddenly begins to feels its
So what happens when that which used to bring joy, suddenly begins to feels its
You know when Christmas is here; the Coke truck advert is on the TV, decorations
The mightiest of crusaders, excluding this website of course, are back with this new book
The zombie revolution continues unabated with another such book hitting the racks. Still, for those
We all have our gifts. For some its the ability to throw a football around
This year’s Batman annual focuses, yet again on the relationship between the Bat and the
Microtransactions – What do they have to do with comics? Not much, but the gaming
Josie is back, doing what she does best……. selling Tupperware? With the opening pages of
Healing, it seems is done in different ways. For some, it’s a warm bed, comic
The “Summer of Lies” concludes this week with the lies in question falling thick and
Back in May 2017, at a Ariana Grande concert, attended by countless kids and families,
Since May 2016, the threads of this maxi series had been weaved throughout Rebirth. For
Taking a step back from all things Hellboy and B.P.R.D related, horror-meister Mike Mignola teams
I am of an age where I remember reading the Hardy Boy books as well
For many, Batman: The Animated Series is the pinnacle of Batman; for others it is the
For many, this will be one of the most anticipated books in the whole Dark
With all the trials and tribulations that the B.P.R.D and Hellboy have gone through recently,
Ironically, for a review site, the crux of this new series from AfterShock Comics lies
Three issues of Metal in and Scott Snyder and company finally give us a little
For a while I have been a tad unhappy with the Batman books for the most