Brains over Brawn: The Un-Superheroes
To paraphrase Ben Affleck in the upcoming Justice League movie, Batman’s superpower is one we
To paraphrase Ben Affleck in the upcoming Justice League movie, Batman’s superpower is one we
The Spider-Verse crawls into comic shops as Diamond Comic Distributors and Mighty Fine present a
I was only a toddler when Mighty Morphin Power Rangers premiered in 1993 and I’m
Following the recent review of The Cold War #1, (go check the review section), we
Ever since the first trailer for Wonder Woman (2017) dropped, fans and critics alike have been
The island of Atlantis, while never proven to be real, certainly has found itself used
For many Star Wars fans Christmas simply cannot come soon enough. The launch of the
Next month, Fighting Fantasy makes a come back, thanks to the guys at Titan, who
It was always a childhood dream, for anyone who had ever played a gaming console,
G’Day Crusaders, I know what you’re thinking.. Why is a comic book guy writing about
G’Day Crusaders, With Record Store Day 2017 fast approaching record stores down under, I recently
G’Day Crusaders, This is Dodgy in the mix, with the 10th Anniversary of Record Store
Octal has already proven to be a very successful venture. Can you explain what
Your most recent project “Monsters and Other Scary Shit: a Monster Anthology”“ has passed its
G’Day Crusaders, This is Dodgy in the mix, here you will see what’s on the
Stan Lee and Joe Quesada meet for a “Cup o“ Joe”“ for the Hero Initiative
G’Day Crusaders, This is Dodgy in the mix, bringing you ÷ (Divide) the third album
Honestly, I am not sure what to say here. After I got Daniel’s responses to
G’Day Crusaders, With the success of Hasbro’s Marvel Legends and Mattel’s DC line of figures,
Looks like we have to go through this again. Doing another column piece to make