The Dawn of DC is in full affect as we now enter the Spirit World,
The Dawn of DC is in full affect as we now enter the Spirit World,
Vampire stories can be a mixed bag. For every Lestat there is an Edward, with
Having Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino’s names against a new title means that readers can
Oh, the 80s with the Ghostbusters, E.T., and LegWarmers. What an interesting time that was,
2000 AD Prog 2330, is something else for sure. Aside from reading books like Knights
The newest installment of Ghost Rider is a doozy for sure. I myself have never
If there is one thing that is Clear, is that this comic is a masterpiece
The latest installment in the adventures of Travon, a brother from another solar. Buckle up
In a world full of corruption; sometimes you must stash away some *security measures* Roll
Every family has their issues. Ghostlore begins with a very normal family, the father who’s
Star Wars is many things to many people. But at its heart, it can be
The second installment of “Don’t Spit in the Wind” is upon us as it jumps
Wow, things have really gotten wacky in the Spider-Verse last I read a Spider-man book.
Before I sat down to read issue 1 of the new mini-series ‘Groot’, I hadn’t
“I Hate This Place” or the more aptly titled explicit version “Fuck This Place” is
In the opening scene of Survival# 1, we’re presented with two cool-looking teenagers riding bikes
Jimmy Meadows is the lead singer of a band. He makes great music, has good
Reduce, reuse, recycle, and I’m not just taking about story ideas, seem to be all
World of Tomorrow Episode 2, “Alone and Out-Gunned” written by Giles Clarke jumps right into
When it comes to cheesecake characters, I am not sure that anyone is as famous,