REVIEW: Transformers Beast Wars No.11
The pencils under Burcham may still be too soft, the colors a bit too bright;
The pencils under Burcham may still be too soft, the colors a bit too bright;
Jason Aaron penning the latest “King Conan” tale is no gamble, but a safe bet
Are you ready for a multiverse threat that requires an Avengers team assembling from the
I am not sure how it happened; I wasn’t looking for it to happen but
Dark Horse has a hidden gem, and I’m not talking about variants. “No One Left
Well , the demise of Peter Parker didn’t last long! Did anyone have less than
Story Thus far: Peter Parker, for a while had been in a coma since he
Mike Richardson, founder of Dark Horse Comics and co-creator of The Mask, returns to vigilanteism
Star Wars The High Republic Adventures Annual 2021 is a huge event as it gathers
Story Thus far: An archeological team in Benin, Nigeria uncovers a catacomb most likely built
Following the events of Vampirella #25, it would seem that this book is a perfect
With the Firefly Holiday Special Jeff Jensen brings us the perfect encapsulation of Jayne. His
Not a celebrator of socially exalted days supported by colonialism and the Christendom, by the
Looking over a book that is several issues is a bit of a challenge. True,
Matthew Rosenberg’s latest brainchild “What’s The Furthest Place From Here” is the type of riveting
Any comic can be a new reader’s first comic. Put an amazing cover featuring Cap
What a pleasure it is to see Wonder Woman back in Black a year removed
I love my wife to bits. When it comes to comic books, writers, artist and
Star Wars 19 is the kickoff of Luke’s adventures traveling the galaxy to become a
Marvel is back on the bookshelves with another installment into their anthology series “Voices”, which