Review: The Me You Love in The Dark #1 (of 5)
Thanks, in part, to American Horror Story, the old haunted house trope has become more
Thanks, in part, to American Horror Story, the old haunted house trope has become more
I Haven’t Read Something This Bad Since ‘My Immortal.’ Somewhere on the depths of the
Possessive explores the lived experience of less well-off, middle-aged man and how his encounter with
Marvel seem to be clearing their magical house. No sooner have we had a Ghost
It is a fact that we all wear masks. Maybe not the cape and cowl
The first thing that stands out in Robin #4 is just how different this Damian
I once heard a joke that asked what do humans and dolphins have in common;
Star Wars 15 is meant to be part of the War of the Bounty Hunters
I noticed on Twitter recently a little conversation around the idea of a DC swimsuit
One element that is often overlooked in constructing a good comic is confidence. It may
Oh Yeah, There’s Nudity A comics industry veteran once told me books with anthropomorphic leads
A little while go, I had the opportunity to talk with Black Cat writer Jed
Thanks to the Loki TV show, it seems that Marvel are getting out of their
Marvel Action Avengers, shows a day of the Avengers on their day off. Apparently there
Star Wars The High Republic Adventures is an absolute gem with consistently spectacular art and
Vampire movies and TV shows such as The Vampire Diaries, True Blood, and Twilight were
Following on from Dejah Thoris: Winter’s End, Dejah and her man John Carter have their
There’s nothing more natural than a fantastic issue of X-Factor written by Peter David. Peter
It’s important to start this review by noting that this is the greatest comic of
Double-O-Double-Cross James Bond: Agent Of Spectre #5 opens up where we last left Bond & his