Alamo Drafthouse Ghostbusters Frozen Empire Slimer Pint Glass

Alamo Drafthouse Ghostbusters Frozen Empire Slimer Pint Glass

Now that Ghostbusters Frozen Empire has hit theaters, no time like the present to examine one of the collectible offerings theaters are using to get you into the door, Thats right its the Alamo Drafthouse Exclusive Slimer Pint Glass. Speaking of which, what color looks better blue or green in the glass? Let me know in the comments. This was available to purchase exclusively at the Alamo Drafthouse, so if you live near one see if they have any left in stock. Its a nice simple glass that the ghostbusters logo and Frozen Empire name on it, along with the green spud himself Slimer. Its a nice glass to celebrate the film, and only set me back 15 bucks. So if you want bustin to make your thirst feel good, let me know if you picked it up.

Alamo Drafthouse Ghostbusters Frozen Empire Slimer Pint Glass Alamo Drafthouse Ghostbusters Frozen Empire Slimer Pint Glass Alamo Drafthouse Ghostbusters Frozen Empire Slimer Pint Glass Alamo Drafthouse Ghostbusters Frozen Empire Slimer Pint Glass Alamo Drafthouse Ghostbusters Frozen Empire Slimer Pint Glass Alamo Drafthouse Ghostbusters Frozen Empire Slimer Pint Glass Alamo Drafthouse Ghostbusters Frozen Empire Slimer Pint Glass Alamo Drafthouse Ghostbusters Frozen Empire Slimer Pint Glass

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