Creative Comics and Collectibles Collectable Legends Blue Beetle Dan Garrett Figure Review

Creative Comics and Collectibles was kind enough to send over a review sample of their new Collectables Legend line of figures, and today I am going to talk about the Golden Age Blue Beetle Dan Garrett. I want to say in full disclosure, and I’m not getting anything out of this, I think this Legends line of figures is going to be really cool. But enough of that, let’s dive in and talk about Danny Boy.

As for the head sculpt, I think the transition from old school paper to plastic form looks good. The beetle logo and domino mask look good.The sculpt is right on point here. He has a Marvel legends vibe which many will enjoy. His costume is really simple, but looks good. The bright yellow gauntlets look great and the skirt style piece is okay. I understand from an articulation point why its short and separate piece, but I do wish it blended a little better. The articulation on Dan boy here overall works really great. He has enough articulation to make a poser happy. The legs are a little limited doing the splits, but other than that, nothing to complain about. Everything functions how it should. Which is nice for those who enjoy messing around with their figures.

As for accessories, he comes with a slew of hands that work great, and are easy to take on and off. He does have a set of gun hands with non removable guns. Some may not like that, but personally it doesn’t bother me. Overall, this is a unique line that I am happy to see make production. Its nice to see a company do something that is not the norm. I honestly think a lot of passion and desire went into this. Once again I want to say thank you to the folks over at Creative Comics and Collectibles for sending this over,and I will catch you  next time.
For more info on this line of action figures head over to

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