Dark Horse Direct and Wonderstorm, the studio behind The Dragon Prince, have teamed up once again to bring you a fantastically charming collectible from the hit Netflix animated series, The Dragon Prince: Ezran Statuette!
Standing at 5.5” tall on a 4.5” wide stone-like base featuring symbols of the six primal sources of magic, this statuette perfectly captures Ezran’s fun personality as he holds his lovable companion Bait and a delicious jelly tart. This soon-to-be king of Katolis is a must-have for fans of the Netflix series!
The Dragon Prince Statuette arrives with a hand-numbered certificate of authenticity and will be limited to an edition size of 1500, so pre-order yours today from direct.darkhorse.com.
In addition, fans can still order The Dragon Prince: Map of Xadia that is available for purchase now at direct.darkhorse.com.
Author Profile
- I'm Al Mega the CEO of Comic Crusaders, CEO of the Undercover Capes Podcast Network, CEO of Geekery Magazine & Owner of Splintered Press (coming soon). I'm a fan of comics, cartoons and old school video games. Make sure to check out our podcasts/vidcasts and more!
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