Diamond Select Toys Buffy The Vampire Slayer Angel Vinimate Review

Sunnydale gets a bit more Angelic, with the Diamond Select Toys release of Angel in Vinimate form. Let’s look at the stalker of Sunnydale and see what he is all about. This Buffy Vinimate looks adorable and mysterious. The head sculpt is a nice look in this form. The paintwork is clean, and the hair has a nice sculpt to it.

The Vinimate team has captured Angel’s look pretty good. The shirt is a nice dark blue, and the glossy finish to the suit works for the character. In terms of articulation, this Vinimate has a good range of movement at the head that can be fun on the shelf, or in a photo.

Overall, this version of Angel from the Buffy Vinimate line is fun, and is a great collectible goodness for a Buffy fan. Thanks for shopping by and enjoy the video review and photos.


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