Diamond Select Toys Burning Godzilla Vinimate Review

Today in the Toyverse we dive back into the world of Godzilla and examine one of my favorite toy lines, that of course is the Vinimate. Up for review today is the Diamond Select Toys Burning Godzilla Vinimate figure. And before we dive too far in, I want to express a special thank you to Diamond Select Toys, for making this review possible today.

Now as far as Burning Godzilla is concerned, I don’t know too much about the guy. I mean I know in this form his is super hot, and is super angry, but as it relates to film, I have only seen clips. I do know he is a very popular version of the character, and that is about it. However, based on the photo’s and video that is out in the internet land, this Vinimate looks really good. He of course is done in a stylized fashion, but he still looks cool. The subtle changes to the head, and the color choices of the figure, represent the character very well. I think this figure is a great addition to the Godzilla Vinmate family, so check it out if you can. Enjoy the video below, and enjoy the photo’s.


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