Diamond Select Toys Dark Nights: Metal DC Gallery The Drowned PVC Diorama Review

Today in the Toyverse, we examine a beautiful and wonderful piece from Diamond Select Toys known as the Dark Nights: Metal DC Gallery The Drowned PVC Diorama. It’s no secret that I love the Dark Knights Metal story, and I am very excited to share my thoughts on this stunning piece from Diamond Select. before I share some thoughts, I would like to send a special thank you to Diamond for being kind enough to send this over. As for this piece, I love it! The detail is there in a big way. The headsculpt is spot on to the artwork. The paints are sharp and clean,and the color choices really bring this piece to a show stealer on the shelf. I will say, I took her outside to the creek, I took her to the aquarium, and I put her in a dio, and every time I looked at her I enjoyed the presence. The water effect for the base is great, and the cool squid tentacles coming out add a little flare to the overall PVC piece. For what is is worth, she looks great with other Dark Knights Metal pieces. Overall, get it if you can and check out the full review.


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