Diamond Select Toys DC Comic Gallery Darkseid PVC Diorama Review

Today in the Toyverse, we travel to Apokolips to examine the Diamond Select Toys DC Comic Gallery Darkseid PVC Diorama. This PVC piece is massive, and is a fitting tribute to the Fourth World dictator. Diamond once again packs in some amazing sculpting details on this bad boy of DC. This Gallery piece has two head sculpts that you can switch out that look tremendous. I am personally kind of partial to the omega beam effect head sculpt.


The overall sculpt of this massive Gallery PVC has a huge presence to it. The details on the skin and costume are just amazing! The colors applied to this Darkseid piece are spot on, and give the Diorama an eye catching presence. The base on Darkseid is well sculpted, and has some smoke effect rising out of it that add a little extra touch. Overall, Diamond once again showcases a great product without taking a hammer to the piggy bank. When I look at this piece, it truly is a labor of love from the Diamond Select team. If you get a chance, pick it up. Thank you for stopping by and enjoy the photos below.


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