Diamond Select Toys DC Movie Gallery Shazam PVC Diorama Review

Diamond Select Toys is back at it again with another DC Movie Gallery PVC Diorama Gallery piece, and this time we celebrate with the new kid on the block Shazam! This gallery piece is sure to bring out the wisdom of Solomon in any person that holds it. The details on this Gallery Dio is top notch! The sculpted muscles from the team over at Diamond would make Hercules blush. The presence of paint on the figure is very detailed, it would make Atlas set down the world to appreciate it!

The overall presentation is very regal like, so much so I think it would make Zeus blush with envy. Looking at the iconic Shazam pose, this PVC piece has a heroes pose that would make Achilles raise a pint in appreciation. And let’s not forget, that the sculpted lighting strikes the chest as fast as Mercury! Alright all joking aside, this PVC Gallery piece is done really great by Diamond. Once again they show you can own sculpted pieces that look great, without deflating your credit score! If you get a chance, pick it up today before it’s gone in a blink of an eye. Enjoy the photos!

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Like any of the diorama“s I use in my videos? Check out Extreme-Sets to pick one up for yourself by clicking here: https://www.extreme-sets.com/

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