Diamond Select Toys Disney Store Exclusive Star Wars Select Boba Fett Figure Review

The Star Wars Select line from Diamond Select has launched, and up first is the notorious Boba Fett. I am so thrilled to talk about this guy. We finally have seven inch Star Wars figures that are cool. So before I drool too much, let’s dive in and examine Mr. Fett, and see how he stacks up. The paint and sculpt world on this figure is really amazing. I love the washes and paints that this guy offers. The head looks great, and the body is much in the same vain. From the chest armor, to the Wookie or Padawan braids, to the overall deco, this guy is sporting a great look as he appeared in Return of the Jedi. The jet pack looks cool, but is non removable it seems. The arm gauntlets look great as well. The costume from head to toes translates well for a seven inch figure.

In terms of articulation, Boba Fett has a great amount of work put into him. The team over at Diamond really put all the bells and whistles into him, and he flows very well. Overall I will say DST did an amazing job getting this guy articulation.
As for accessories, Boba Fett has a slew of items. From trigger and relaxed hands, to his trusted pistol rifle gun with muzzle effect, to a flamethrower effect that plugs in to his wrist, and of course jetpack blast effects. All of these items make Boba fun to mess around with. To wrap things up, I’m so happy Diamond Select is able to make 7 inch Star Wars figures. It makes me smile and wanting more. Now this was a Disney store exclusive, so order online or visit a local Disney store to grab one. Thank you so much for stopping by. Hope everyone is doing great, and until we meet again, great.


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