Diamond Select Toys Emerald City Comic Con 2020 It Chapter 2 Bloody Pennywise Vinimate Review

Pennywise The Vinimate returns in a new bloody version from DST. Originally a Emerald City Comic Con exclusive, due to COVID-19, this Vinimate is now available on the Diamond Select website. It has a very cool package to say the least, so let’s look at him a bit more in depth and see what Pennywise is up to these days. The chapter two bloody version is basically the same figure, just with some blood deco. The head sculpt looks good, and old pennywise here enjoyed some nice human ribs and forgot to use a napkin. The body is the same as the original too, just with more blood. Either that or Pennywise is a slob who can’t keep the food in his mouth and is saving it for later. He features the standard vinimate articulation at the neck with works fine. Overall Pennywise still looks cool. I still love the Ballon on him, and the blood adds an extra creepy factor. Once again head over to the dst website to grab one, and a special thank you to diamond select for sending this over. As always thank you so much for everyone stopping by. And until we meet again meet again.

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