Diamond Select Toys Exclusive Discussion With Zach Oat About The DST Showcase 2021

Today in the Toyverse, our good friend and Marketing Supervisor, Zach Oat, from Diamond Select Toys stops by to discuss the upcoming DST Showcase. A lot of fun pack news that includes some upcoming reveals, the importance of understanding what phrases cool kids say, and a lot of toy news. A quick discussion of the new Cobra Kai Action figures coming out, Marvel Select Hulk talk, Lord of the Rings talk, and much more. From Vinimates, to new Hasbro Minimates, to Legends in 3D. So much talk and reveals, you will have to grab a snack to just get through it all. Plus some pretty pictures below of one of the Showcase exclusive items. Special thank you to Zach over at Diamond Select for talking with us. And don’t miss out on the full reveals during the showcase on the DST Youtube Page at 12 Noon EST.







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