Diamond Select Toys Legends in 3D Movie Ghostbusters Mr. Stay Puft Half Scale Bust Review


The Moment of truth has arrived and our tasty and fluffy destroyer looks wonderful in his 3d bust form. Being honest, Diamond Select has always been amazing with Ghostbusters, and this latest piece is no exception. The expression on the face is really great, and the sculpt and paint on him is just really eye catching. Looking at the back, you can see that this 1/2 scale bust has a nice crisp and clean paint scheme that immediately helps it shine, and that’s just one of many of the charms with the big guy.

Looking at the base, the sculpting on this resin piece really becomes something next level. The details on the top of Spook Central just hit that wow factor. Having the ribbon of the bib on the front is a nice extra touch as well. Having the temple doors on all four sides of the bust, is a nice touch. The painting on the base is right on point, and its just really neat! And for those curious, I have number 488 of 1000.

Overall, Diamond knocks out of the park another great legends in 3d bust.  I do hope maybe in the future we get maybe a Terror dog, Slimer, and Vigo at some point! However, having Mr. Stay Puft is a real treat. I want to thank Diamond for sending this over, and I hope you enjoy the silliness,along with the review. Share your comments, and for more fun, head over to Comic Crusaders.com until next time.

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