Diamond Select Toys PX Exclusive Westworld The Man in Black Figure Review

Today on the show we travel back to Westworld. that’s right, today we examine the Diamond Select Toys PX Exclusive Westworld The Man in Black Figure. Now I have to give a very special thank you to Diamond Select for sending this out. I want everyone to watch the video below, but I want tell you a few things before you do that. I enjoyed this figure so much I went ahead and went over to my local Walgreens and picked as many Westworld figures as I could get.  I am all in with this line.

These figures have great articulation, look great,and are affordable. I ask you, what more could you want in an action figure line? Anyways, enjoy the photos, and if you are fan of the show, don’t miss out on these collectibles. This Man in Black is packed in with a lot of cool bonus items that make him that much more cooler.


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