Diamond Select Toys SDCC 2020 Buffy The Vampire Slayer Vampire Angel and Spike Vinimate Review

Today in the Toyverse, I get to look at something really special. Today I look at the Diamond Select Toys SDCC 2020 Buffy The Vampire Slayer Vampire Angel and Spike Vinimates. Before I go any further I had two things for you. First, I want to thank Diamond Select Toys for allowing me to talk about these Vinimates with everyone today. Also, head over to http://shopdiamondselecttoys.com to not miss out on this amazing two pack. With that being said, lets talk about this set. The new head sculpt  on Angelus looks great and captures the character in true Vinimate form. The costume remains unchanged, but he is posed in a different position this time around which is cool. The same rings true for Spike. His evil face looks great and is kind of creepy even in Vinimate form. The new pose really gives an evil vibe on this Vinimate. As for articulation these both have the same movement as the previous released versions.

So here is the bottom line, this two pack is a must for any Vinimate fan, and any Buffy fan. Diamond did a really amazing job with these, and we still have another Buffy Vinimate on the way this fall. If you want to grab head here now to not miss out. As always, thank you for stopping by, and enjoy the video review, along with the photos below.

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