Eaglemoss Hero Collector Build The Ghostbusters Ecto-1 Issue 15 & 16: Stages 51-59

Today in the Toyverse, I suit up yet again after a long absence, and dive back into the Eaglemoss Hero Collector Build The Ghostbusters Ecto-1. Previously this model car review was only available on Instagram. However, going forward, this will now be both on Instagram and Youtube. I took a break from this thing due to shipments not coming in on time. I finally got myself caught up and am back at it again. This is still a fun build, but if you are looking for a detailed how to build this massive item, I am not your person. I tend to build it, and then showcase what it looks like afterwards. I hope you enjoy as I go into Issue 15 and 16.


Want to interact with me here’s how:

Instagram: bobofnmac

Twitter: Bobofnmac ; CrisisToyverse

Like any of the diorama’s I use in my videos? Check out Extreme-Sets to pick one up for yourself by clicking here: https://www.extreme-sets.com/

Love doing toy photography? Use the hashtag #toylovercrew and join the fun on instagram. And dont be afraid to throw @toylovercrew a follow on instagram as well.

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Robert Swanson


Mr. Wepa

Al Mega


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