Eaglemoss Hero Collector Ghostbusters Build The Ecto-1 Issue 7 Review

Issue 7 of the Build the Ecto-One from Eaglemoss has arrived, so let’s get building, and see what Issue seven has to offer. This Video will contain all four stages, so let’s get the party started. Here we are at the Ecto-One Bible, which houses the secrets to the build. Stages 19 through 22 are presented in this issue, and each step for this issue was a breeze to go through. As the frame for this iconic car continues to grow, the excitement gets better. Also inside this issue, we get two stories, one about Ernie Hudson, and the other on the Library Ghost. Both of which area a real fun read through. So with that being said, let’s break down the build.

And here is the final result of the issue 7 build. As you can see the length on this keeps getting bigger and bigger. And we are not even close to being done each step this round was simple and really easy to put together, so I really can’t complain. Plus we are adding to the size with the rear suspension area so that is very cool. Overall another fun round of building. I hope everyone enjoyed and I look forward to next months build. Thanks for stopping by and until we meet again, stay groovy. Enjoy the video and pictures.
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