Eaglemoss Hero Collector: Ghostbusters Build the Ecto-1 Issue Six Stages 17&18 Review

Alright let’s close out the Hero Collector build for July by looking at the Right Front Wheel and Front Chassis. This set adds to the front of the car, so lets look at it. This issue yet again gives great step by step detail and features on the back end of the issue, a great story about Elmer Berstein. I have to say, looking at both wheels on this build, I love how things are really coming along. The pieces are moving along really nice! Now as it relates to stage 18, it just adds to fun and cool factor. I know I have a big task ahead of me but this really looks tremendous. It is already a heavy piece and next months issue is going to really turn this build upside down. I hope everyone enjoyed, and as always thank you for stopping by. Check out the video below and enjoy the photos.


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