Eaglemoss Hero Collector Ghostbusters: Build The Ecto-1 Special Edition Issue Review

Let’s get bustin’ back with Eaglemoss as we dive back into another Ecto 1 build. Up for building today is the four proton packs and ghost trap. This is kind of a strange build, and one I am not sure if it justifies the price, but it’s here, so lets talk about it. In this special issue, we get all the know how on how to build the packs, along with some stories about the devices, which is nice. Now once assembled, they look pretty cool. The tubes were the hardest part to plug in, but a relatively easy build. The same rings true for the ghost trap. Once assembled, the trap looks good. I don’t care for the cord, but it looks cool. And here is a diamond trap compared to the Eaglemoss. Overall, it was simple, but I feel a little cheated with this build. But we will see what next month will bring. Thanks for stopping by.




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