Eaglemoss Hero Collector Ghostbusters Build the Ecto-1 Stage 07 Middle Engine Block Review

Eaglemoss Hero Collector Ghostbusters Build the Ecto-1 Stage 07 Middle Engine Block

Today we travel deep into the Toyverse and continue our build of the most famous Cadillac Ambulance of all time. That’s right, today I talk about the Eaglemoss Hero Collector Ghostbusters Build the Ecto-1 Stage 07 Middle Engine Block. So here we are at Stage 07 and things are slowly picking up. Being honest, I am learning more about the car, but I would be lying if I said I wanted to build an engine. Now by Eaglemoss doing this, I am able to learn more about the car, so by that standard, it can’t be all that bad. I will say this didn’t take too long, but did require a little patience on my end to complete. Overall though, I am happy with the final project. The instructions were clear, and it was easy enough that even a caveman could complete. Check out the photo’s below, and enjoy the video review.



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