Extreme-Sets Dojo 2.0 Pop Up Diorama Review

The Pop Up Gods shine a bright light yet again, so lets dive in and examine the new Dojo 2.0 Pop Up from Extreme Sets. So with this review I am going to show you each panel and the accessories, and then we are going to talk some toy photo shots you can pull off yourself at home. Included are five panels, one in which we will talk about in a moment, and they all look great. The two wood pillars and dragon logo look great. And that one panel, has a separate door piece which adds to the fun. And if that wasn’t enough, we get a giant floor panel that looks wonderful.

Now with each set up you choose, you can block and set up the shot however you choose. I decided to play around with the wood panels and create some fun shots centered around them. With the open panel I was able to do some fun things as well, including stop motion. And  being honest any of the shots achieved here are all about how you want to mess around with the stuff you collect. And for me, that’s just one of the reasons I love the pop up so much.

Overall if you are in the mood for a far east inspired dio on a budget, this is your ticket. Head over to Extreme Sets and see if it tickles your pickle. Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the photos and the videos.

Want to interact with me here“s how:

Instagram: bobofnmac

Twitter: Bobofnmac ; CrisisToyverse

Like any of the diorama“s I use in my videos? Check out Extreme-Sets to pick one up for yourself by clicking here: https://www.extreme-sets.com/

Love doing toy photography? Use the hashtag #toylovercrew and join the fun on instagram. And dont be afraid to throw @toylovercrew a follow on instagram as well.

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