GeekiTiki Masters of the Universe Skeletor and Mer-Man Tiki Review


Today in the Toyverse, we put the action figures down for a moment to the talk about something I truly love. That love being Tiki’s. That is right, I am a sucker for some cool Tiki collectibles. The wonderful folks over at were very kind and gracious to hear about my rumble for all things tiki, and sent out two of the Masters of The Universe GeekiTiki’s. So today, we are going to talk about that mean bad guy Skeletor and the menacingly Mer-Man in tiki form.


That old bag of bones know as Skeletor looks amazing in Tiki form. He has a nice paint job on him. the purples look tremendous, and that beautiful yellow skull face really pops on this tiki. The yellow on the inside of the tiki is a nice touch as well. One little detail I really like on him is the inclusion of the havoc staff in the design. Its a subtle touch that works really well.


So this strange creature that plagues Eternia is actually a really cool Tiki. As much as I like Skeletor, Mer-man may be my favorite sculpt of the two. The color choice works well, but the sculpt is very eye catching. there is something about the character that just translates well to Tiki form. The orange color inside of the Tiki is a nice callback to the character.

Final Thoughts:

As a fan of Tikiware, I have to say these two Tiki’s are a nice addition to my collection. I think they would be an awesome display piece for any Masters of the Universe fan. Imagine having your Skeletor or Mer-Man figure along side a mighty beverage of that action figure? It’s kind of cool. If you are fan of Tiki’s this is a nice addition as well. Once again, a special thank you to for sending this out to review. I have bought from them at conventions in the past, and they have always had fair prices, and great people running those booths. So please if you get a chance, check them out. Also, check out the video to learn of the two recipes I put into the Tiki’s that you can enjoy as well.


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