McFarlane Toys DC Direct Page Punchers Ghosts of Krypton Platinum Brainiac

McFarlane Toys DC Direct Page Punchers Ghosts of Krypton Platinum & Standard BraIniac Figure Review

Do you like you BraIniac standard or platinum? Let me know if the comments, but in the meantime let’s talk about the DC Direct Page Punchers Ghost of Krypton BraIniac’s from McFarlane Toys. Starting with the standard version of BraIniac, its a very nice sculpt with some paint, and loaded with lots of detail. I can see this being an army builder if it goes to discount. As for the platinum, the paint scheme stands out, and it has one creepy looking face If you end up with both you can swap parts like a K’nex figure for tons of fun!!!

McFarlane Toys DC Direct Page Punchers Ghosts of Krypton Platinum Brainiac

Packed in on both versions, its all the same, down to the figure stand, comic and card. However this time, Page Punchers has four issues and they are all different, to tell a complete story, which is nice! Either version is cool to have, the articulation is good, and I appreciate the paint on these. Let me know in the comments where you stand.

McFarlane Toys DC Direct Page Punchers Ghosts of Krypton Platinum Brainiac McFarlane Toys DC Direct Page Punchers Ghosts of Krypton Platinum Brainiac McFarlane Toys DC Direct Page Punchers Ghosts of Krypton Platinum Brainiac McFarlane Toys DC Direct Page Punchers Ghosts of Krypton Platinum Brainiac McFarlane Toys DC Direct Page Punchers Ghosts of Krypton Platinum Brainiac McFarlane Toys DC Direct Page Punchers Ghosts of Krypton Platinum Brainiac McFarlane Toys DC Direct Page Punchers Ghosts of Krypton Platinum Brainiac McFarlane Toys DC Direct Page Punchers Ghosts of Krypton Platinum Brainiac McFarlane Toys DC Direct Page Punchers Ghosts of Krypton Platinum Brainiac McFarlane Toys DC Direct Page Punchers Ghosts of Krypton Platinum Brainiac McFarlane Toys DC Direct Page Punchers Ghosts of Krypton Platinum Brainiac

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