McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Batman White Knight Jack Napier Figure Review

Meet Jack. Mr Napier has been released from McFarlane Toys,  and is based on Sean Murphy’s White Knight  story arc. So let’s dive in and see what he is all about. Jack is pretty cool! He jumps out of the pages into plastic form and looks really good. And yes, Jack is the Joker. The head sculpt on both are wonderful, and I dig it. The body has a lot of paint and sculpt work that makes him a great bargain at 20 bucks! The details on the vest really stand out. In terms of articulation, he has the standard McFarlane  fare, with the added bonus of the soft plastic for the body that I personally like. As for accessories, he has the two heads, the card, the long gun, and display base. Overall its a very niche version of a character you love, but he looks really good. I really think McFarlane did a good job, so if you dig it, pick it up. As always thank you for stopping by, and enjoy the video review and figure photos.


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