McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Endless Winter Frost King Collect to Build Figure Review

Today in the Toyverse we travel down a icy road into the DC Multiverse. Today we look at the McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Endless Winter Frost King Collect to Build figure. I will have photo shoots of all the over figures in the wave, but for right now I wanted to focus on the Frost King himself. This character is relatively new for DC Comics, but I dig the design. McFarlane did a wonderful job with the sculpt and I think they translated the character from page to plastic form in spectacular fashion. The crystals on the arms and shoulders look amazing and the inclusion of the ice sword is cool, but pun is intended as well. I really dig the head sculpt on the figure. His articulation is somewhat lacking, but he makes up for it in size. He is still up for pre-order at a lot of places, but a ton of Wal-Marts have been getting the set in as well. Enjoy the photos below, and a special thank you to McFarlane Toys for sending this over for review.

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