McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Nightwing DC Rebirth Build-A-Batmobile Figure Review

McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Nightwing

We travel deep into Blüdhaven in the Toyverse today to look at that city’s favorite crimefighter in plastic form. That’s right, today we examine the McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Nightwing DC Rebirth Build-A-Batmobile Figure. Nightwing is one of the most beloved DC characters, and now he comes out of the package courtesy of McFarlane Toys. And before we flip into the figure, I want to express a big thank you to McFarlane Toys for allowing Comic Crusaders to sample this figure out. With that being said, let’s dive in and see why this Nightwing figure may be the best figure from McFarlane Toys.



McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Nightwing

So what makes this a good Nightwing figure? I have to say it all starts with the head sculpt. I have seen a lot, and even owned a lot of Nightwing figures, but this head sculpt is pure beauty. I am at a bit  at a loss for words, but I think it ‘s the best overall Nightwing head sculpt in action figure form. As for the costume, it has quite a bit going on with it. It’s not just the standard black and blue. It has a little tech and design that breaks it up. Sometimes this can get distracting, but it blends in really good, which isn’t easy to pull off. And speaking of the suit, the black looks good, and the blue is great as well. I do appreciate the front logo of the blue. The logo catches your eye and you know who this character is suppose to be, and that’s nice to see on this guy.



McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Nightwing

So how does the articulation stack up on Dick Grayson? Short answer…really good being honest. He can flow into pretty much any Nightwing pose you see in comics. I want to get on my soapbox for a moment and talk about something. I understand not every McFarlane Toys DC figure is going to articulate the same, but at 25 bucks, this guy accomplishes a lot. But I have paid money for higher end figures, and this guy can do stuff comparable to those higher end figures. I think given the price point, it’s a blessing to have a character like this move that well. Don’t be fooled by my view or those who want to hate. Just purchase this guy and see for yourself. If you think I am wrong, tell me! As you can see in the photos he bends and twists and turns pretty dang well.  Double jointed elbows and knees work excellent. I find it hard to complain given the price point and amount of possibility that this guy has.


Accessories and Final Thoughts:

In terms of accessories, this guy comes with quite a bit. He is packed with a DC Base to keep Nightwing from falling. He also comes with the cool trading card, which I dig. he also comes with his Escrima Sticks that look good. These ones are molded in black and have some sculpting on them. The clip in his back and hold pretty well. And in addition to all of that, he also has comes with the DC Rebirth Build-A-Batmobile piece. I am going to hold back on this for now, and will talk about it once I have finished it. So once again, at a 25 dollar price point, you can’t go wrong.



Overall, this Nightwing figure delivers in every way. It steps out of the shadows of it predecessor in the toy isle and has some strong merits. Given the price, it’s packed with a good amount of extras. The articulation flows, and regardless if its on a shelf or in some wacky photo, its going to be fun recreating Nightwing poses. And finally, he looks damn good in seven inch form. To close me out, let’s refer back to the Reading Rainbow guy. “Well, You don’t have to take my word for it.






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