McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Red Son Superman Figure Review


With our Soviet Union propaganda out of the way, today in the Toyverse we are going to talk about the McFarlane Toys Red Son Superman. I dig Red Son a lot, so this is a real treat. Speaking of treats, a special thank you to McFarlane Toys for sending over this bad boy to Comic Crusaders for us to review. With that being said, let’s talk about the Soviet Union’s favorite Man of Tomorrow.

The head sculpt is heavily inspired by the comic art and looks good in plastic form. The paint looks good, and I dig how beautiful the eyes look on this version of Kal-El. The raised Soviet Superman logo looks really great on this version of Superman and is very eye catching. No paint or sculpt issue that I can see. As for the rest of the body that makes up Red Son Superman. He is really just a reuse of the wave one Superman from last year. I know some people don’t like the way that Superman looks, but to me, it’s not too small, and not too big. The color change on the costume works, and the new cape is also a nice little touch, so I dig it.

In terms of articulation, this Superman functions the same as the wave one version. He can move really well. His arms can move pretty well. Although some may complain about the lack of double jointed elbows. The body still functions the same, with a greater range of movement going back than forwards. The legs can get into flying poses, have double jointed knees, and even toe hinges at the feet. All together, not bad at all. Clark is packed with multiple hands, flight stand and collectible card. Once again, I love the card and always look forward to it with a figure. The multiple hands work well. Three open hands, and a fist are included. The trigger hand can hold a flag, but I think just a set of flying hands and fist hands would have worked just fine. And then we get to the flight stand. Light, effective, and able to hold the figure. I am good with it. Overall this figure is really cool. I had a ton of fun taking pictures of this version of Superman. I want to send a special thank you again to McFarlane Toys,  and I hope you enjoy the video review as well.


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