McFarlane Toys Gold Label WalMart Exclusive DC Multiverse Batman Designed By Todd McFarlane Figure Review

For me, this figure was one of two reasons I wanted Todd McFarlane to make DC toys. A Todd McFarlane Batman is right up my alley, and I do love this figure. The folks at McFarlane Toys were kind enough to send this over to the site. So Lets talk about this worthy Gold Label piece done by the Toddfather himself. Let’s get the articulation out of the way, so I can talk about how the figure looks. As far as the head is concerned, you get a decent amount of moment from all different angles. The body has some interesting things going on. You get rotation and side to side with no issues, but it is a bit limited going forward. Going back it works better, and at the lower waist area, you do get an increase of moment, that overall gets Batman moving.

As for the arms, the cowl hinders it very slightly, but you can turn the arms all the way around, and they do go in and out with no real issue. He has a bicep swivel that works good, and this Batman does have double bends at the elbows. He has the ball pegs at the hands that turn and go up and down. In terms of the lower body, Batman can do the splits with no real issues. The legs can kick forwards and backwards with no real issues. And for those articulation junkies, his thighs do swivel, which work good enough for me. The legs have a nice double bend at the knees that work good. And the feet are on ball hinges that go up and down, rotate, and rock side to side. Of course, let’s not forget about the mighty toe hinge. Overall no complaints for my taste.

Now let’s get to the good stuff the look of the figure! Starting with the lower body. You got some fancy Bat boots to stomp a mud hole into bad guys. You have some armor plating on side thigh that protect the thighs from knives and bullets. This translates to the other side, but with some pouches and grenades. His utility belt has even more pouches and items in them. These are non removable, and for some, that will them cranky, but for me, it means I won’t loose them. The Bat logo on the front of the belt is a nice touch. We also get our bat butt, and you can see how the belt wraps around him. The upper body has a nice design, its almost a cross between Batman The Dammed and the White Knight. The logo on the chest takes a cue from the Dammed, but still works great for this figure. It’s nice and big, and has a gloss to it. And the cape has a nice design that really works for the profile of this figure. As for the gauntlets, they are Spawn inspired and look like they can really have you reaching for Excedrin number 9. They bring out a nice savage rage feel to Batman. As for the head,  some hate it, but it’s a grittier, stylized look. It kind of has a Hellboy comics feel to it. I don’t mind it, and it won’t be bothering me.

In terms of accessories, Todd Bats comes with two gold swords, a cool Todd Bats card, and a base. The swords seem to just be molded in a gold color. They fit in his hands no problem, and slide into that back piece on the cape with no issues. They also pass the shake rattle and roll test and dont seem to fall out. I love the card. I know some complain, but it’s another fun way to enjoy the figure. I keep mine in a card case. And I am always grateful for the base to display the figure. His final accessory is some steam punk looking googles. Honestly, its cool tech to have for the figure, but I could go either way with them.

Overall, as I said at the beginning, I am thrilled to add this figure to my collection. Todd has given us some pretty cool Batmen, but having this guy in the mix, is just another check mark for cool in my toy collection. If you didn’t pre order, head over to Wal Mart to grab one or wait for the none gold label version. Once again thank you to McFarlane Toys, and I hope you enjoyed. Take care.

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