McFarlane Toys Superman: The Animated Series Superman DC Multiverse Action Figure Review

McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Superman The Animated Series Today in the Toyverse we get to begin a special journey in the DC Multiverse that McFarlane Toys has dropped into. Before I get into the meat and potatoes, I sincerely want to express a thank you to the McFarlane Toys team for making the DC Multiverse dream a reality. And what better way to dive into the universe by looking at big blue himself. That’s right we go directly into the TimmVerse and look at the McFarlane Toys Superman: The Animated Series Superman DC Multiverse Action Figure.


McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Superman The Animated Series

So my initial thoughts on this guy were those of many, why goes this route right out of the gate with animated series figures.  Then after thinking about it, McFarlane Toys makes way more money than me, so maybe I should just relax and see what was in store. Then I thought about it again, and remembered that McFarlane Toys is giving us Timmverse characters at a 20 dollar price point, and that is not a bad thing. I tend to be a seven inch collector so at this scale and price point, I am happier than a cop in a donut factory. What I love is the weight of the plastic. It doesn’t feel cheap, and the paint on mine is nice and sharp. As for sculpting, I personally think it’s on point with source material. a lot of folks out there want to treat these animated figures as a three headed child who should be locked in the basement. I personally don’t see why that should be the case. Maybe I am a bit biased being that I was super thrilled to see someone who cares about collectors get this license, but the McFarlane team put a lot of effort into these, and I am overall very happy. It’s not going to be a popular opinion, but not everyone is wanting to bring pitchforks and mobs out to McFarlane.


So in terms of articulation, McFarlane Toys continues to build on the articulation that has been built by Fortnite,Doom, Game of Thrones, and Mortal Kombat to name a few. Does Superman’s articulation overall work? I’m not going to throw around cliche 64,000 dollar questions, but I will say overall, yes it does work. I can get him to fly, punch, kick, and smash. As you see  in the photos surrounding this article, he is versatile. At 20 dollars its a strong enough articulation moveset to make me happy. I do wish that the upper body diaphragm did move forward more, but it’s not creating some nerd rage inside of me. Overall the articulation works good with the sculpt to provide a beautiful piece that can be posed on a shelf.



So at that 20 dollar price point, what does McFarlane include besides a hunky big blue guy in tights? Well in addition to two fist hands, he also gets two open hands, a steel beam that is bent and able to smack around bad guys with, a stand, and a cool trading card. Before I go any further, I want to share I actually bought a card binder specifically for this line. That is how cool I think the card feature is. Don’t ask me why I do, I just dig it! As for the other items, I did them. At this price point. I find it a fair amount. My only sad moment was no flight stand for Clark. Other than that, I love it!


Final Decision:

Even though this was sent as a review sample, the fact is I would of bought it. This Superman for me is an accurate representation of the source material and looks wonderful. When you hold him in your hands, you start to appreciate him more. As for me. I heard the animated series theme in my head as I worked on posing him and examining him. A Lot of toy companies are charging a hell of alot more and not giving you a good deal at their price points. With each of the figures in Wave One, you get unique items, cool trading cards, and a great sculpt. He hits all of the points to be a 5/5 figure, based on what version of Superman it represents. So go pick it up and see if you feel the same way and let me know. And enjoy the pictures. Until next time, great googly moogly!




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