Mezco Toyz One:12 Collective Two Face Figure Review



We jump back into the world of Mezco Toyz and examine a really cool figure. I have to say, as of late, Mezco is firing on all cylinders on the DC front, and this Two Face figure is a standout ballplayer. For myself, the tale of Harvey Dent/TwoFace is one of the best in comics. So let’s dive in and examine this double dipping figure in all of his double standards.

When it comes to the design, Two Face is  hard to nail down. There have been so many different ways the characters has been showcased in both print and other media. This version, for myself has a blend of the Long Halloween mixed in with Batman Forever. Add in a little dash of Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight, and you get this Mezco version. The two toned suit looks great, and makes Big Bad Harv look like a sharp dress man.  The suit has a nice feel to it, and the red and black combo have a nice eye catching look to them. As for the head, the human side has a comic look to it. The features are a little soft, but still look good. The scarred half of the face is that blend between the Long Halloween comic and the Dark Knight film to my eyes. I have seen complaints about the look of it, but it’s not an issue for me. I honestly think this is due to the fact that Two Face has multiple looks and some are more iconic than others. Overall, I dig the execution of the look of this figure.

In terms of articulation, Two face is on a standard suited body Mezco buck. The head is connected on a ball peg and can move forwards and backwards and side to side. The upper body can bend forwards and backwards, turn side to side, and rotate. The arms hinge in and out, and although hindered by jacket, they ran rotate a decent amount. The elbows are on a hinge the swivel side to side, and move up and down. His hands are connected to a ball peg that can rotate, as well as move side to side. A portion of collectors tend to not enjoy this buck, but it’s Two face for crying out loud. This guy isn’t about deep dives into executing what he saw on the Saturday afternoon Kung -Fu movie of the week.

As for accessories, that wacky Harvey Dent comes packed with a ton of goodies. You get three heads. Two of Two Face, and one of Harvey Dent. You get four knives, four coins, and four coin flipping effects. You get a missile launcher with a missile effect, four gun blast effects, and two guns. One is a handgun with two removable clips, and the other is a sub machine gun with four gun clips. You get a roll of bandage to hide the scars of Mr. Dent, a bomb in a suitcase, and seven pairs of interchangeable hands. And if that wasn’t enough, you get a display base, flight stand, and storage bag.

Overall, Two Face kicks major tail in the Mezco Gotham-Verse. He really is a ton of fun. He is very photogenic and has many different ways for you to interact with. Like I said at the beginning, Mezco smashed this out of the park and gave fans an all star collectible. I hope you enjoyed the review, and I hope you enjoy the photos.

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