NECA Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1990 Accessory Pack Review



Today in the Toyverse, I travel down the NECA Toys road, and examine the TMNT 1990 Accessory pack that was offered on the NECA store last year as part of a one week pre-order. Now this Accessory Pack is full of a ton of great items. It has such a wide variety of items inside that really bring your TMNT figures to  life. The alternate heads are nice, but its really all the other items that I have fallen in love with. The television set is an awesome add in, along with the newspaper and snacks. You get a bag of pork rinds and a bag of chips(that’s what they are called) that are fun props. The inclusion of the baby turtles mid transformation are an awesome touch as well. Overall I don’t have any complainants about the set. If you missed out on this set, don’t  pay the scalper prices online. NECA has hinted if the demand is high enough, they may consider offering this up again. Check out the video review below, and enjoy the pictures.

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