Things are getting heavy in the Toyverse, because the NECA Tales From Space Marty McFly figure has arrived. I was able to find him along with the rest of the wave at Target last weekend, which was cool. Anyways, I dig this figure a lot. The packaging is cool, and having him in hand is a treat! So lets dive in and look at this guy more. The sculpting between the two head sculpts look great. You instantly look at it and know what it suppose to be. Is it spot on? No, but it’s very good for a hand sculpted head. As for the body, the jumpsuit is just fantastic. its a nice soft plastic on top, and a harder plastic on the bottom.
In terms of articulation, he works…okay. the arms, heads, and legs all work really well, but because of that soft plastic overlay, he is hindered at the body. Now for me, its not a deal breaker, but I can see it making some folks super angry and full of evil rage and complaining. To those who fall into this camp, I wish you the best. As for accessories, he comes with quite a bit. The helmet has lots of faucets to it which is cool, but the inclusion of the hairdryer and tape deck is a nice touch. Overall, Marty is cool in his nuclear gear. It’s nice to have BTTF figures in a scale I enjoy. I can’t wait for the future, pun intended. I hope you enjoyed the show, and enjoy the photos and video review.
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