NECA TOYS Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Cartoon Slash Figure Review

Here we go down the NECA TMNT Turtle rabbit hole, as I look at the other half of this two pack of Leatherhead and Slash by looking at the Slash Cartoon style figure. My initial thought is I love the figure. So haste makes waste as they say, so let’s dive into things. As far as the head goes, it does look like the character from the cartoon. The paint scheme for the skin and eye area seem a little off, but I still dig it. I love the open mouth expression very much on Slash. The body looks pretty accurate, I know the cartoon character had less spikes on the shell, but its no deal breaker. The shoulder pads look cool and I love the look of Slashes hands and feet.

The articulation on Slash is pretty much what we see with the turtles from NECA, as they share the same body. The big difference is the neck joint. It actually has a hinge on it that gives a little extra to reflect the look of the character along with the movement which is cool. In terms of accessories he has the guns he came back with from space in that one episode, the Shredder swords, Binky(palm tree,) and Slash in pre-mutation form. Overall this version of Slash is pretty dang sweet. He isn’t 100 percent accurate to the cartoon, but he fits into this animated line of figures more than well enough. Plus, its cool to see this version around. If you missed out on the NECA pre-order, or haven’t got it yet at your local Target, I do wish you safe travels in your hunt. I hope you enjoyed. Thank you so much for your time and until we meet again.
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