It’s time to talk about some NECA TMNT, so lets head into the Turtleverse and examine the Tokka and Rahzar two pack that NECA offered several months ago. And before we get too deep here, I want to discuss an issue I had with Rahzar and his chain. Out of the package it broke, but NECA did offer me a partial refund, and although the part isn’t fixed, its better than nothing, I have never had a problem with getting an issue resolved, but let me know in the comments if you have had an issue. With that being said, lets dive in and knock this review out.

Lets start with Mr Fuzzy, Rahzar. I will say the head sculpt captures that look from film and you kind of forget how silly the puppet looked on film. That is not taking anything away from the team at NECA, because they really well with the translation. From the articulated jaw, down to the body,  its all a really beautiful sculpt. The details from head to toe, from the clothing to the fur, are pretty neat. As for the articulation on Rahzar, you get some really great movement. The head and body can all move around with really no issues. Its a nice range of movement that flows. The arms work really good too. And have double bends that allow for even more movement. Nice swivels at the thigh, and the double bend at the knees works, as well as the ankle rocker and hinge at the feet. All things considered, Rahzar has solid movement that will overall make any toy poser feel like a 16 year old on prom night.

Now lets break down Tokka. Really a beautiful sculpt. Out of the two, this turtle with the attitude is my favorite of the set. With the open jaw hinge and the articulated beak and eyebrows, you fall in love with it. The paint and sculpt is really sweet, and the shell is a prickly sob! But even then, its done really well. The arms and feet carry over that great detail that make Tokka really stand out. As for articulation, this mean green shell shocked machine works wonderfully. The head really has a great amount movement, and those eyebrows and beak are cool. The body suffers in the same way as the turtles in this line, but the arms has some double bend at the elbows and the legs provide even more fun. They swivel at the legs and do the double bend at the knees. And of course the feet has ankle rockets and hinge.Overall Tokka can get down with the articulation junkies and raise the roof.

As for accessories, Rahzar has hands, a shield hubcap, and wooden board. Then you have the fire extinguisher, the donuts, the secret donut,  the ooze canister, and donut box. And capping off everything, you also has hands for Tokka and a lead pipe.  Overall, this two pack is really amazing. Now it was an exclusive set to the NECA Stores months ago, so I do hope anyone watching did pick it up. The TMNT aftermarket mark ups are like that Hall and Oates song, Out of Touch. I do really enjoy this set, and I hope you will too. With that being said, thank you so much for everything, and until we meet again,

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