New Jersey G-Con: Virtual Legends Con 2

This Friday a good friend of Comic Crusaders will be a part of Virtual Legions Con 2. Follow @dtour_customs on Instagram as he will be part of the event on Saturday November 14th. below you will find a list of information pertaining to the event.


Just a reminder that there are going to be TWO amazing online events tomorrow and Saturday and you’re not going to want to miss a moment of either of them!
First, beginning tomorrow at 11:00am EST, Four Horsemen Toy Design Studios is having their third annual online event, this year titled G-CON 2020: ILLYTHIA! Not only will this free event feature incredible interviews, amazing giveaways, and spectacular reveals, but at the end of the day, Four Horsemen will be launching the pre-order for their newest wave of figures – Mythic Legions: Illythia! You have to register to join in on this five free hours worth of fun, so be sure to hop over to to register TODAY!
 Then on Saturday morning, beginning at 9:00am EST, the second annual LEGIONSCON kicks off. This fan created and fan driven online convention features some of the most passionate fans in the Mythic Legions community, and will be the spot to go for informative panel discussions, fantastic exhibits, and a well stocked marketplace, but there’ll also be an interview with the Four Horsemen, a live episode of LegionsCast, and a few HUGE jaw-dropping reveals that are going excite every Legionnaire! LegionsCon is only $6.00 to join in on the amazing adventure, and it’ll be worth every penny. To get yourself registered for this epic event, just go over to RIGHT NOW!!

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Robert Swanson


Mr. Wepa

Al Mega


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