NYCC 2020 Diamond Select Toys Godzilla Vinimates Fire Rodan Figure Review

We are back in Vinimate land, and today I talk about the final release from NY Comic Con. That“s right, we are going to explore the Fire Rodan Vinimate from Diamond Select Toys So let“s dive in and have some fun! Now this guy is pretty much a repaint of the regular release, so in terms of the head sculpt nothing new. He still looks great and I am okay with that. The body remains unchanged as well, but the color choice on this version of Rodan is great. It really pops the figure and created a bold and vibrant vibe on the sculpt. This of course bleeds out the wings, and adds that extra little touch that works out well for Fire Rodan. As for articulation, its just a head swivel.



Overall Rodan is the beast from the East that once again shines in Vinimate form.He looks cool and I am happy to have him. I believe you can still order on the Diamond Website, as well as from certain e-tailors. So I think this will round out our Vinimates in 2020. I will  be back again in Vinimate land with a deep dive into every Vinimate made,s o be on the look out for that. Thank you for stopping by, and until we meet again……




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