Super7: ThunderCats Ultimates BBTS Exclusive Evil Glow Mumm-Ra Figure Review


Mumm Ra- The Ever Living is often a misunderstood character. He just wants to live in a world controlled with his point of view. Some say he likes to get his groove on in dirty bandages, but have you ever seen a Mumm-Ra in mummy form with magical glowing effects? Well Super 7 and Big Bad Toy Store are hoping you want to see it, with this online E-tailor release. Lets examine this Glow in the dark magician and see if he is still spooky as ever. The packaging normally is something I like to skip, mostly because packaging tends to be boring for me. But kudos to the Super 7 Team for the color choice on this thing. Its not different from the other versions in terms of style, but like a 17 year old on prom night, it has evil intentions. This is obviously to showcase the glow in the dark features that even the packaging has.

So out of the package and into the frying pan, you get the same figure just done in glow in the dark paint and plastic. All the detail is still here just a bit different due to the GITD Paint and plastic. I would imagine that a person buying this isn’t buying it expecting the same detail as the regular Super 7 release, or even the Mattel version. Anyways, the dude looks good. I do wish the cape glowed, but it doesn’t bother me. I am sure some collector will be complaining in some group online about how they could make it glow.  As for articulation, he still moves at the head the same, the arms are the same, the body still just stands neutral, and the hands and legs still work their magic in same way we have seen. I know the articulation hounds of justice will expect it to do the limbo with ants in their pants, but for me, it tickles my pickle.

So lets talk accessories. They are the same, but  glow in the dark. Each one we saw in the last release, which now feature Glow vision. They carry a different look due to the nature of how they look, but I once again am still a sucker for it. I have to say, this version may not be for everyone. The Glow in the Dark features from packing to figure work well. Its not necessary for a collector to have, but if you need to collect them all, dig the character, love the gimmick, or just wanted to blow some money on a random toy,this mummy checks off everything I outlined here.  Thank you again and stay safe.




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