Super7 Ultimates! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Wave One Raphael Action Figure Review

It’s time to talk about the new kid on the block and examine the new Super 7 TMNT line, now out of the gate, this is some really great packaging. I dig the Super 7 vibe. And as for the figure, I absolutely love the guy. Initial thoughts are a big wow factor. I am really impressed with the love Super 7 put into this thing. So let’s dive in and see what we got here.. the classic playmate style head looks really good and has that nostalgia factor to it, and the second head I really love. It really reminds me a bit of first NES game cover artwork. The body on this guy looks great too. I love the turtle toes, the skin tone, the front chest and back shell areas. The belt looks good, but I do wish it was removable, but that’s minor. The reds look great on the arms and over the battle damage look is a great touch.



The articulation on Raphael is nothing mind blowing but you can have fun with him. The single joints at the legs and arms don’t bother me as much as I thought… The lower body moves really well at the waist, and its something that allows the figure to flow. Being an ultimate figure he has a lot of good items. Multiple weapons and hands, and even the unpainted weapons rack which is cool. Overall I love the Super 7 approach to the TMNT line. Its a very cool execution that makes the figure a fun have. I really wish I would have picked up the rest of wave one, but I am happy with Raphael.  I hope you had a chance as well to grab as well. I hope you enjoyed. Share your thoughts and thank you for taking time to stop by. Enjoy the photo’s and video review.



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