Experience one of comics’ most-beloved “lost” stories…THE LEGENDARY LYNX

Experience one of comics’ most-beloved “lost” stories, derived from Alex Segura’s bestselling prose novel

The lost story of Carmen Valdez has been found… 

Mad Cave Studios is proud to announce THE LEGENDARY LYNX from LA Times Book Prize-winning novelist Alex Segura (Dick Tracy) and artist Sandy Jarrell (Archie vs. Predator).

Expanding on Segura’s bestselling prose novel Secret Identity, the 112-page OGN features “previously undiscovered” material of this fictional forgotten gem, enjoyable both as in-world content building upon the novel’s 1970s-era mystery and setting, and as delightfully retro comic book adventure for curious newcomers!

Welcome to Triumph City. A city plagued by corruption and crime, where every alleyway and dark corner holds a deadly secret. The lone figure, standing against the onslaught of crime, is a savvy crimefighter known as the Lynx—sworn to protect the city that forged her.

By day, she’s Claudia Calla, a quiet secretary at Triumph City’s biggest paper. A woman haunted by a dark tragedy that has pushed her toward taking on the mantle of the Lynx—to prevent others from experiencing the same pain she’s dealt with. But when a specter from her earliest days returns, asking for her help against a cabal of dark forces, the Lynx must choose between her heroic responsibilities and her debt to a dear friend.

“I became obsessed with the untold story of Carmen Valdez as co-creator of The Legendary Lynx, and learning out how to bring Carmen, Doug Detmer, and Harvey Stern’s fantastic creation back into print in the way it deserves,” said Alex Segura. “With Sandy and the team’s help, we’ve been able to not only snag the rights to reprint these long-lost stories, but with Carmen and the Detmer estate’s blessing, we’ve been able to remaster and repackage these wonderful comics so they look their absolute best, and are celebrated in the way they truly deserve. Mad Cave – based in Miami, where Carmen (and I) hail from – is the perfect partner to help make this happen, and I’m so excited for readers to discover these lost tales and experience the stunning art of Doug Detmer and Carmen and Stern’s influential story for the first time.”

This seminal debut of the character and renowned novelist and writer, Carmen Valdez, blurs the lines between fiction and reality in the best way possible. Don’t miss this exciting spin-off!

Follow the legacy of The Legendary Lynx in Alex Segura’s new novel, Alter Ego, out 12/3 from Flatiron Books, as artist/writer Annie Bustamante looks to revive the character and plunges into the mysteries surrounding the Lynx’s origins and disappearance.

The Legendary Lynx is set for release in book stores on Nov. 12th and in comic shops Nov. 13th.

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Author Profile

Al Mega
I'm Al Mega the CEO of Comic Crusaders, CEO of the Undercover Capes Podcast Network, CEO of Geekery Magazine & Owner of Splintered Press (coming soon). I'm a fan of comics, cartoons and old school video games. Make sure to check out our podcasts/vidcasts and more!

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