International Comics Creatives Soar into a DARING New Take on Superheroes: RISE #1

Created and written by Trevor Fernandes-Lenkiewicz (AREA 51: THE HELIX PROJECT, MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT) with art by Ryan Best, colors by Fabi Marques, and Letters by Mathias Zanetti! (2023)

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Pocket Watch Press presents the first issue in a three issue series, delving into the performative nature of masculinity through the “Superman”. This 32 page premium printed comic explores one male’s ego through the elevated life of a superhero and attempts to navigate the pressures of what it really means to be a good man.

In an industry saturated with superheroes, what makes this one RISE above the rest?

The deconstruction of the superhero has been done at the highest level, by the best creative minds our industry has to offer. RISE subverts The Hero’s Journey to deconstruct man. The “Superman” is the iconic vessel to explore the ways in which the male ego is often dependent upon someone’s ability to fulfill for others, and the damning ways in which that mentality might make a man dangerously fragile.

Trevor has a Passion (with a capital P) for creating comics and it shows in every aspect of what he creates.“ ~Jimmy Gaspero (Comic Book Yeti)

Trevor and Ryan are two of the most interesting and passionate creators in comics, and together they’ll make magic. You can expect a thoughtful story and creative art with top notch character acting.” ~Pat Shand (DESTINY, NY; SMOKE WEED, SEE THE FUTURE; CHEEKY)

For nearly three years, I’ve been asked one question, and despite its various forms, they’ve all sought the same answer. ‘Trevor, when will you work on a superhero comic?’ And for nearly as much time as that has been asked of me, the answer was unanimously, ‘No.’” said Trevor Fernandes-Lenkiewicz (He/Him). “What could I do that hasn’t been done already? Alan Moore exists. Scott Snyder, Geoff Johns, Kurt Busiek, Grant Morrison, Frank Miller exists. Peter David, Walt & Louise Simonson, Mark Waid, Jonathan Hickman, John Byrne, Jason Aaron, Jeff Lemire, Rick Remender, Kieron Gillen all exist.
These people have pulled apart the core of the superhero and reformed it in dozens of different ways. How can I possibly stand out against that?

RISE came from a moment of weakness, truthfully. I found myself in a difficult social situation and was afforded the opportunity to think on how I wanted to respond. What man did I need to present in order to find the answer? How was I to show strength? I had to cycle through all the different versions of myself: angry and combative, forgiving, stern, uncaring. All of them were equally me. All of them were a form that I could take and have been taught to take. This was where I thought about which of those men would emerge from that moment, and further, whether I’d make the right choice. This story takes that to a whole new scale. The strongest man on the planet is faced with that decision every single waking second of his life and has to perform the role of being a ‘Superman’ to perfection. His ability to make the right judgement call means life or death for everyone around him. All of that, compounded with the fact that he has to feel good to do good. Unfortunately, that’s not always how life works. More often than not, being the best man, and ultimately the best person you can be requires that you do what you can even when you’re at your worst.”

A taste of what you’ll find inside…


Author Profile

Al Mega
I'm Al Mega the CEO of Comic Crusaders, CEO of the Undercover Capes Podcast Network, CEO of Geekery Magazine & Owner of Splintered Press (coming soon). I'm a fan of comics, cartoons and old school video games. Make sure to check out our podcasts/vidcasts and more!


Mr. Wepa

Al Mega


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