Living Legends or Metal Hurlant Fanboys?


(…on Kickstarter!)

50 years ago, Philippe Druillet, Mœbius, and Jean-Pierre Dionnet sought to push the boundaries of their chosen art form—”sequential storytelling”, “bande dessinée”, “comics”—to tell stories that no one else could tell, and that no one else would let them tell. Stories that were liable to influence the realities—waking and otherwise—of their readers.

Thus, METAL HURLANT was born. And it was the vessel through which our founding fathers and their peers and idols were able to disseminate their radical visions democratically, and fervently—creating more of a cultural movement than a magazine, taking not only Paris but the whole of Europe by storm, even crossing oceans and arriving on some of your doorsteps under other namesSeeds of their creations, so fecund, can be found throughout all art over the last five decades. But let us not forget where it all started, as Metal Hurlant is rooted in more than popular culture.


Now is always the time to expand our minds, our spirits, and our imaginations. Now is always the time to share one another’s experiences and dreams. Now is always the time for METAL HURLANT.

…but you don’t have to take our word for it…

When his ambitious Dune project never came to fruition, the cult filmmaker Alejandro Jodorowsky took his and Mœbius’ dreams to the pages of Metal Hurlant, where they created one of the greatest sci-fi classics of all time, The Incal.

You heard it, straight from Hans’ mouth. Often declared one of the contemporary world’s greatest film composers, Hans Zimmer has many times over the years identified Metal Hurlant as one of his leading inspirations. The work of the visionaries before him made waves to which his young and imaginative mind was highly receptive, showcasing the power of art (and especially that glorious ninth art, comics!) to transcend its medium and catalyze new creation.

The lionized illustrator and Humanoids founder, Philippe Druillet, confirms that as with many cultural movements, including that which was catalyzed by the rebellious, mind-expanding pages of Metal Hurlant, it all “comes down to youth”.

At 02:53 listen to how living legend and creator of worlds, Hayao Miyazaki, was inspired by the pages of Metal Hurlant, and in particular, the magical creations of our beloved Mœbius, who was, in turn, immeasurably inspired by the work of Miyazaki (even going on to name one of his daughters Nausicaa).

And head over to SCREENRANT (@screenrant) for an Exclusive Preview of founder Mœbius’ iconic short story, “Is Man Good?”. Sneak peek below:

© Mœbius Production – Jean Giraud Mœbius

Metal Hurlant’s ongoing mission is to enthrall readers, explore new paths and publish bold and transgressive storytellers,” said Humanoids Publisher Fabrice Giger. “The vast majority of the material in Metal Hurlant will be original, but bringing archival content—such as Mœbius’ short stories—back into print allows us to introduce some of the most iconic cartoonists of all time to a new generation. Our intention is to curate the reading experience with gems from Metal Hurlant’s storied past in France, alongside insightful cultural reportage and new, complete stories by contemporary masters.

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Author Profile

Al Mega
I'm Al Mega the CEO of Comic Crusaders, CEO of the Undercover Capes Podcast Network, CEO of Geekery Magazine & Owner of Splintered Press (coming soon). I'm a fan of comics, cartoons and old school video games. Make sure to check out our podcasts/vidcasts and more!


Mr. Wepa

Al Mega


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